Forum Discussion

alsavage2's avatar
New Contributor
8 months ago

'ells going on down there?

Cox customer for about 7 years now.. theres been maintenance occasional outages last year up until a fortnight ago was almost no interruptions. In the last 10 days my internet has been out at least once a day often for over 2 hours. Right now Friday 7/19 @9:22 am it has been down since 7pm last night and trust me I checked several times during the hours most people are asleep. Someone in this household works from home, internet connection is required as well as for those that may want to use the service we pay for to play video games or watch YouTube videos or even watch TV which is down atm also. IDK what happened in the last couple weeks did you guys send all of your techs to Houston? Cause we need some GD TLC over here in Tucson. It's a Friday there's no excuse.

    • DannyS's avatar

      Hello alsavage2, we understand how a loss of connection affects our customers.  The purpose of the Cox Internet Forums is to allow customers to discuss technical topics related to residential Cox Cable, Telephone and High-Speed Internet services with other customers. This appears as if you may need for someone to look into your account personally due to the connection issues you have expressed.  We can definitely assist you with this.  Please reach us on Twitter at CoxHelp, visit us on Facebook, or email by at anytime for assistance.  We are always happy to help. 

  • Darkatt's avatar
    Honored Contributor

    I provided to to someone else, and again, it may not speak to your particular issue - 

    1. This is the time of year people plant gardens, perform landscaping, install pools, etc etc. What that means to us, people who do NOT get their areas marked for underground cables and services, end up cutting through cables and fibers, causing issues. One person in Va, set their boat on fire, digging, and hit an underground power cable right below their boat.
    2. Other instances of digging issues, remember when power lines are cut, it affects other services as well -
    3. And if you had fiber internet through this company -

    It happens all over, people digging are careless, cut power, cut cable, cut fiber, and they all cause issues. Again. I cannot speak to YOUR exact issues and causes, but this is the time of year it gets worse.

    THEN there are people driving into cable equipment -

    Lastly there are people who try to illegally access cable boxes to steal service. Since it's all digital now and equipment HAS to be provisioned by the cable company to work, they don't get anywhere, BUT, it still causes problems, since it can interfere with your service, let interference INTO the cable system, and something like that is hard to catch till it gets called in by several people, because the box may be upstream from your and cause YOU issues, but then they check YOUR systems it all seems ok. The more people that call, the better they can triangulate the cause and get it fixed for everyone. 


  • chynoodle's avatar
    New Contributor II

    I've been having this exact issue for almost 5 weeks now. It'll be down randomly for anywhere between 2 and 5 hours every single day for the last 4+ weeks.
    I also do work from home and I'm losing money on this. I called to complain and was offered a $25 credit for a month of lost time, money and assets.

    • Darkatt's avatar
      Honored Contributor

      What modem are you using, and what do the indicator lights on the modem show when you lose connectivity? Do you have a computer wired via ethernet, and does it drop as well?

      • chynoodle's avatar
        New Contributor II

        My PC is connected to my modem with high speed cables and my modem is literal feet from my PC. I'm not sure which modem I have but it's brand new, one of the white ones and the color indicator stays white throughout the outage because I technically have a connection but it goes from high speed to a snails pace and basically becomes unusable for anything more than light browsing.