Forum Discussion
Reported earlier this week. cox called today from a corporate office and have another tech coming out to my house tonight (already scheduled. second time this week) because apparently i have to urger this person to make a maintenance ticket to check the actual node.
lol worst experience i had with tech was actually centurylink (never again will i have centurylink)... internet was basically non existent.. like 1mbps up/dn and crazy ping/latency.. i checked everything inside tried other hardware ran all the tests etc etc before calling in.. then they argued with me for weeks saying it was in house issue but i refused to let them in cuz they were going to charge me for in house visits from tech like 100+ each visit lol
finally they agreed no fees.
1st tech came in then said he was going to his ttyck to get something and left instead..
- 2nd one came and spent awhile in the house testimg various stuff. i told him i tested everything and he agreed, couldnt find anything himself then says he hasan idea but had to run to his truck.. also left n never came back lol..
- 3rd tech came out.. i was telling him like i been saying a month its an outside line or something.. he webt outside for a while then came back and tested the data then tried to tell me it was fixed when there was literally no improvement lol.. he tried leaving but i toldhim bout prior techs and said i didnt want him leaving until he figures out the problem.. he said ok.. he said he was going to check the line again then he left n dissappearedl maoo.. this time tho he ended up leaving 100's of dollars of equipment in my house. i called care and told them wat happened.
- she couldnt believe it.. she was bout to put meon hold to callthe tech to pick up his stuff but i told herno, hes not allowed back here.. i tod her i would give it to the next tech if he fixes it haha
4th tech now.. cool guy.. climbed up the telephone pole n the whole thing was trashed from the weather.. relkaced a few wires or w.e and viola, 30mins was fixed.
i woulda fixed my darn self but anything outside of the home is their responsibilty and i didnt want to be liable for anything.
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