Forum Discussion
Hi Perplexed, as I mentioned previously, the email you received is valid. I truly understand why it perplexed you, as it certainly had me confused for a while, also. I believe I've figured it out. Cox increased the upload speeds of the Essential tier in June 2022 from 3 Mbps to 5 Mbps. The 3 to 5 increase is basically 67%. I will double-check with our Marketing team on Monday and let you know if I find out something different. Again, I apologize for the confusion this email caused. -Becky, Cox Support Forums Moderator
- Darkatt3 years agoHonored Contributor
The upload speed is 5 mbps The IP address for the web page you list above, goes to an AMAZON server. ON that page if you click on the chat link, it takes you to a real cox web page, and if you look at the URL aboe it does NOT start with the M.EM as the page shown above does. It's a fake web page.
- CurtB3 years agoHonored Contributor
I've said this before. Cox should publish a list of valid Cox domains and only use those domains for email from Cox or an approved vendor, e.g. marketing firm. That would eliminate the uncertainty of whether or not an email is from Cox.
- Bruce3 years agoHonored Contributor III
The is a valid Cox URL used for viewing an email through a browser
Although Becky confirmed m.em is a valid domain? Cox has thousands of sub-domains they reserve for merchants. I don't know why you're rejecting this one.
- Darkatt3 years agoHonored Contributor
I rejected it because it directs to an amazon server, and the links in it do not appear to have proper url's, but redirect.
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