Forum Discussion

robbie5643's avatar
New Contributor
3 months ago

Constant dropped connection, agents able to do absolutely nothing. But it’s actually kind of funny

Started researching other internet providers because cox has been dropping the ball consistently for over a year now. Thanks to whatever nonsense they’ve managed to work out my only other options are the 5g home providers. Since I’ve been googling it cox targeted ads are just spamming constantly about how if I use T-Mobile, I’m going to lose connection at peak times. Not exactly seeing how that’s a negative since I’m already getting that from cox just more frequently and not a specific times. Love that the agents seem to think a reboot is all that’s needed to fix it even though I’ve informed I’ve done that multiple times and it doesn’t work. Just filed a BBB complaint and lo and behold I did the same exact thing last year with them promising it was corrected. Spoiler alert, it wasn’t. At least the company is aptly named because they really do suck…

  • Hi robbie5643. The purpose of the Cox Forums is to allow customers to discuss technical topics related to residential Cox Cable, Telephone and High-Speed Internet services with other customers. This appears as if you may need someone to look into your account personally. We would definitely be able to assist you with this. Please reach out to us on Twitter at CoxHelp via DM, visit us on Facebook via private message, or email us at Provide us the name on the account with the complete service address with a link to this thread so we can get started. Thanks, Lisa, Cox Support Forums Moderator

  • Darkatt's avatar
    Honored Contributor

    What do the indicator lights on the modem show when you drop connection? Have you tried replacing barrel connectors/splitters/cable wires?

    What modem are you using?

    Are your devices connected via WiFi or Ethernet?

    If you want help, provide some details. If all you want to do is kvetch, too bad. MY Cox internet works perfectly!