Can You Have Separate Cox Modems For Voice & Internet?
I have been having to reset or unplug the Cox voice/internet modem every day for a week now. Usually, it's only the internet going down, but sometimes so does the phone. Thus, I'm thinking of getting a new modem or modems. I'd like to have a voice one downstairs and an internet one upstairs. Is that possible? There are Cox jacks both upstairs and downstairs. Downstairs is the Cox modem and a Netgear Nighthawk router. Upstairs is a Netgear Wi-Fi Nighthawk extender. The landline is only used downstairs and the internet is only used upstairs. I'm not sure this is a modem problem, though, since they repaved the streets last week, and I'm sure the Cox service boxes, which are only a few feet from the street, got vibrated badly. I may call Cox about that, but figured one of the neighbors would have by now, if they were having problems, too. I personally don't feel like getting into a Cox service call/visit situation right now.