Forum Discussion

reggired69's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago


Cox chat support does not care what you have to say nor do they do anything even remotely helpful. They are dishonest, have no intergrity and no respect for their customers. Phone support just humg up on me.

We were late in paying our bill however we paid in the time cox gave us but our cable service was suspended anyway. On Friday contacted cox through chat provided proof of payment from our bank as well as a conformation number. We were told over and over that the transaction had to complete before service could be restored. We hat but we had no choice but to wait and that took 3 hours. The next day Sat. the transaction was no longer paid but pendin it was posted to our account. Again we contacted cox through chat provided the payment information, we were asked to contact our bank for specific payment information, which we did while chatting with cox gave them the information requested from our bank, the bank was even willing do do a conforance call with us and cox to resolve this matter. None of this was recognized or acknowledges by cox. They refused to restore service and refused to do as promused and restore service after transaction was completed. We were now told we must wait for their system to post the payment to our account. Surprise their system was now down.

They did file some form for us that should resolve this matter in 3 to 5 business days. Not helpful at all.

I can't believe they are allowed to do as they please without consequences. There must be some recourse for us the cox customers. How can they be given all that information as well as 493.48 of our money and we still have no service.

  • Reggired69,
    The purpose of the Cox Apps Forum is to allow customers to discuss technical topics related to Cox applications, including the Contour iPad application, Cox TV Connect, and Cox Mobile Connect with other customers.

    If you need help with billing or other account-specific issues, please reach us on Twitter at @CoxHelp, visit us on Facebook, or at

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    Cox Forums Moderator