Forum Discussion

Geno1395's avatar
New Contributor
5 years ago

"Upgrade/Enhancement" Notice

Too bad – I will greatly miss both of these apps. The clock is VERY useful and practical for display in my kitchen (no other clock available) – the weather app helps me to prepare how to dress for the day.

This sounds more like a MAJOR downgrade than an enhancement.

Not good!!

  • Hi Geno, are you referring to the changes impacting the Cox Homelife touchscreen? -Becky, Cox Support Forums Moderator
  • vanbodegon's avatar
    New Contributor II

    All the Apps on the touch screen are gone I did a reset on my touchscreen and all the apps disappeared I asked why and they said they did not renew there contracts with any of those App providers just another way for them to cut cost on there end.  I agree with you it was nice to have the clock feature  

      • vanbodegon's avatar
        New Contributor II

        They are not there anymore if you go to the Apps section they don't even give you options to get any Apps

    • LCD's avatar
      New Contributor

      I just asked this question and didn't realize it had already been answered.  Sounds like it might be time to change providers.  The service and products seem to be getting worse but the prices continue to increase.  FRUSTRATED.  Is it really that much to ask for a clock? 

  • noname12345's avatar
    New Contributor

    I was wondering what happened to the clock and weather apps.  I agree - this a major downgrade.  

  • mjkklew's avatar
    New Contributor

    Agreed. No communication from Cox. The display is now something I need to hide away. Not pleased. Seems like a small thing but what downgrade is coming next. This makes two in the 18 months we’ve had Cox.