Forum Discussion

Araxidis's avatar
New Contributor
11 months ago

Stopping free McAfee Antivirus?

I just got an email about Cox stopping the free McAfee Antivirus that I have had for decades with Cox. I would have thought that having a secure network relatively safe from malware was a benefit to Cox. Am I mistaken about that?

  • iggyaz's avatar
    New Contributor II

    They do less, give you less and charge you more over time for internet.
    This is why I'm switching to something more reliable for now.


  • ldpeek's avatar
    New Contributor

    I got the same notice that it would be unavailable after 6/27/2024 with my COX account.  What gives?  I have been a COX user/member since moving to Arizona in 2015.  I have been a user of McAfee since it's rollout.  It's a MUCH better program/service than ANY other on the market.

    • CurtB's avatar
      Honored Contributor

      RaquelD    You should edit the URL you posted to omit the period at the end.

    • CurtB's avatar
      Honored Contributor

      RaquelD    You removed the period from the posted text, but not from the link itself.  ðŸ˜Š

      Araxidis    If the link doesn't work, right click on it and select "Copy link".  Then paste it into a browser and delete the period at the end.

      • Araxidis's avatar
        New Contributor

        I appreciate the link, just don't appreciate the removal of a feature that I have used for many years. Also, in my role as computer support, I've always told people that their Internet Service Provider usually has free anti-virus software, now I have to stop saying that.

  • Hi Araxidis, 

    I apologize for the inconvenience, however, that is correct. As of June 27, 2024, Cox will discontinue offering or supporting McAfee Anti-Virus software for our customers. You can continue using it until June 27, 2024. On or before June 27, 2024, you should remove the Cox-provided McAfee software from your devices.

    Thank you,


    Cox Support Forums Moderator

    • LongTimeNOVAcus's avatar
      New Contributor II

      Somehow didn't get or didn't see the advance notice of this service reduction.  Perhaps the message got lost in the midst of removing support for email and forcing a move to Yahoo? I just noticed the loss of McAfee protection today (while travelling).  Very disturbing!

      Are there even more service reductions in the works that or that I might have missed notice of?

      Is actively Cox looking to reduce its customer base?

  • Palasin's avatar
    New Contributor

    McAfee removed its customer support forum from its home page (I suggest you check it), and deleted all the historical entries for a reason.  Why Cox no longer provides it or supports it may be for their own reasons, but I wouldn't install McAfee software on any of my home systems, ever.  But that's just me.

  • bourgmic's avatar
    New Contributor

    You don't need it, they have advanced security on the wifi already just have to activate on your wifi app. Your smartphone should also have advance security features as well. These anti virus programs like mcafee aren't really necessary anymore with the way devices are designed these days