Relaying Not Allowed Error with Multiple Cox E-Mail Accounts
I have 2 e-mail accounts because I like to use "account #2" just for e-mails to my running club. Ever since we had to change the SMTP server from 25 to 465 I get intermittent error messages. The latest thing I get is the common
'550 5.1.1 <emailaddresshere> relaying not allowed'
error message. I can send e-mails back and forth from my 2 e-mail accounts no problem. But I get this error message if I try to send a test message to my gmail account (i.e., outside the Cox domain).
One strange thing is that I configure both e-mail accounts in Outlook to use the same SMTP 465 port. But after I get the error message from "account #2", sometimes the SMTP setting on that account automatically gets changed back to 25.
Do I need to have different SMTP server settings on the 2 accounts? When I called Cox about this, they said all they could do is tell me what the correct "single account" server settings should be (which I already know from the e-mail notices I got) and they said if that doesn't work I should contact MIcrosoft. There is NO WAY this is a Microsoft problem. Everything was fine before Cox changed the server settings.