I got the following email. It was directed to my FB name NOT the actual Cox account name which is in my husbands name. I tried to send myself 2 emails and never got them but I am receiving emails normally.
i need to know if this email came from Cox or what I can do. Here is what was sent me:
Cox Communications Security Team |
Dear Cox Customer, |
The Cox Communications Security Team has detected suspicious activity on one or more of your Cox.net email accounts and your personal information may be at risk. To help contain this risk, we have temporarily blocked the ability to send email from your Cox.net account. For your additional protection, access using your current password will be disabled within 24 hours.
You must immediately reset your Cox password to remove this risk to your account. Once your password is reset, you will be able to access your account and send email normally. |
To reset your password and protect your personal information:
- Go to www.cox.com, click on Sign in My Account and enter your User ID and Password.
- Click on My Account in the upper right corner
- Under My Quick Links, click on Change My Password
- On the My Profile page, click on Password & Security.
- In the Password section, click on Edit Preferences toward the right of the screen
- Provide your "Current Password" and "New Password", then Save Changes
- For additional peace of mind, on the My Profile page.
- Under Password & Security in the Security section, click on Edit Preference to update your "Security Question" and "Security Answer".
- Under Users & Email Accounts, review your secondary accounts and delete any you do not recognize.
If you have forgotten your password OR your existing password access was disabled by Cox:
- Select Sign in My Account then, next to Forgot User ID, click Password.
This issue was not caused by a breach of the Cox Network. It may have been the result of clicking on an email from a malicious source or a security issue with another website or company. Because of this, we also recommend that you run a virus scan on devices you use to access your Cox.net email. For more information on internet safety, please review our Internet Security articles in the Support center at Cox.com. Cox chat agents are also available to assist you online.
Sincerely, Cox Communications Security Team