Forum Discussion

hasii2016's avatar
New Contributor
7 years ago

I don't get CNN on contour app

What is up with that ?

  • Hi Hasii2016, is CNN not displayed in your list of channels? It may not have the same channel number as on your TV. -Becky, Cox Support Forums Moderator
    • OjibweJimmy's avatar
      New Contributor

      On 5/14 I tried to access CNN from my list of favorites on the app. It popped up a message saying I wasn't a subscriber to that channel. When I list all channels (unfiltered) CNN as well as HBO and a number of other channels I subscribe to are no longer displayed. Even if I search for the channel number they were listed under previously does not find any results. I tried deleting the app and reinstalling and restartin iPhone, but that did not help. What gives?

      • MarkM1's avatar
        Former Moderator

        Do you have another device that you can test the feature on? Are you also attempting to access the feature while on your network or outside your home? I do show that CNN does not show on TV go channels. Please let us know.

        Mark M.
        Cox Support Forums Moderator