Forum Discussion

Glenn's avatar
New Contributor
6 years ago

Contour app

With the latest update of the contour app, the filter on the channel lineup does not appear to work. I set the filter for HD only but all the channels are still displayed. I deleted the app and reinstalled it but the problem persists. Just me or is this a known problem? App installed on iPadPros 2 w/ ios12.1.4 

  • Hi Glenn,

    We are constantly updating new features to the app, not all of these features are announced. It appears that by default the app will select the best quality/channel that your connection to the network can support. To test this I pulled up the guide and turned off all filters. I tapped on the program currently on cnn. The channel automatically selected the HD version of the channel even though I specifically selected the lower channel number. The description of the channel said CNNHD and the quality appears to be HD. This functionality more closely matches the auto tune to hd that our Contour cable boxes have.

    Greg P
    Cox Forums Moderator