Forum Discussion

gymie's avatar
New Contributor
3 years ago

cloud DVR is auto deleting shows after a period of time. Que is at 50%

Cox cloud dvr is auto deleting shows after about 30 days. How to prevent?

5 Replies

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  • Bruce's avatar
    Honored Contributor III

    If I recorded a show and frequently re-watched the recording because I enjoy it, I'd only be limited to 1 year of enjoyment?  I'm curious if Cox included this 1-year limit in their fine print.  You know, right next to "Enjoy your shows whenever you please.  With our DVR service, TV is on your time..."

  • JonathanJ's avatar
    Former Moderator

    If you have a small set-top box with a Pano Wi-Fi gateway, then most likely your recordings are saved in the cloud. Cloud DVR recordings are only kept for a maximum of one year, even if Until space is needed is selected. If you are seeing 50% full then something else is going on. Are your recording set for 1 year or Until space is needed?

    Jonathan J
    Cox Moderator

    • gymie's avatar
      New Contributor

      Yes, you are right. They have been dropping off after a year. How can I get recording set for Until Space is Needed?

      • gymie's avatar
        New Contributor

        Just checked and they are set for Until Space is Needed. Is there a way around this so's to be able to to keep them longer than one year?