Forum Discussion

tgspch's avatar
New Contributor
10 years ago

duplicate HD channels in Tulsa

A couple of months ago, Cox in Tulsa rolled out a new channel lineup that was supposed to make finding our channels "so much easier".  In fact, it has made things much, much more difficult.  They were supposed to change all of the HD channels to a new number. For example, AMC HD was supposed to change from 748 to 1105.  Well, what actually happened was that 748 changed to 1048 and 1105.  These are both HD channels with the exact same content.  These channels are linked together so that you cannot "skip" one of them.  If you "skip" one, the other will automatically "skip" as well.  So both HD channels show up on your guide at the same time.  No big deal, except this holds true for nearly ALL HD cable channels (Animal Planet, BET, Bravo, CNN, Fox news, HGTV, Hallmark, TBS, TNT, MSNBC, DISC, etc...)  Now, we have to scan through all of these duplicate channels whenever trying to channel surf or look at the guide.  I have called many times to complain about this and no one even seems to know that it does this!  No one has an answer about why there are 2 HD channels, let alone how to unlink them so you can skip one without the other automatically skipping as well.  Cox says no one else has complained about this, but just looking at previous forum posts I can tell that others have the same issue.  I really wish Cox cared about their customers and would actually do something to resolve this.  Listen up Cox or your customers will get fed up and switch to another service provider.

7 Replies

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  • kenneymcc's avatar
    New Contributor
    tgspch. I'm also in the Tulsa market but I do not have the problem you mention using the Guide button on the remote. You might try changing the layout of the guide in the guide menu as I know there are a few different ways to view the guide.
  • tgspch's avatar
    New Contributor

    Hi!  Which guide layout do you use?  I've tried several different options and these channels are all listed twice in the guide.  For example, HGTV is listed as channel 1031 and 1160.  Thanks!

  • kenneymcc's avatar
    New Contributor
    tgspch said:

    Hi!  Which guide layout do you use?  I've tried several different options and these channels are all listed twice in the guide.  For example, HGTV is listed as channel 1031 and 1160.  Thanks!

    I can see now and have a better understanding of what your saying. Yes when you scroll through the guide there are duplicate listing of programming on the different channels they are broadcast on. I thought you were seeing them both listed at the same space on the guide. I don't notice what you are seeing simply because I don't scroll all the way through the guide for the few channels that are not on the 1001 to 1099 listings. For instance if I want to see what is on HBO I just hit guide then 1541 and it jumps to 1541 in the guide. I will admit it was very difficult to locate the Golf HD channel as it moved to 1365 but not in the 1001's I remember hearing that the Tulsa market was one of the first in the country trying out this new channel lineup so perhaps they will take note to your objections
  • tgspch 

    We appreciate your feedback and I will be sure to share it with our programming team. The feature is currently working as intended. When you set one of the numbers to be skipped, the feature will also set other duplicately mapped channels as well. Both channels are the exact same feed just mapped to 2 numbers. This allows for the convenience of the legacy TV Essential Lineup while still correctly grouping channels by genre as the new lineup intends. 

  • tgspch's avatar
    New Contributor

    Thanks for your response Colleen.  This may be convenient for the "legacy" line up (whatever that is), but it is extremely annoying for everyone else.  I'm sure many customers do not want to see 20 programs duplicated on our guides.  Please consider removing "duplicate mapping" so that one of them can be skipped.  I understand that grouping the new lineup by genre is supposed to make things more convenient, but as a very long time Cox subscriber it actually makes it much, much more difficult to browse for programming.  I'm sure Cox is concerned with customer satisfaction, and hope steps will be taken to make this new line up less annoying.   Thank you for your time and consideration.

  • Thank you for the honest feedback tgspch! If the "duplicate" mappings were not an issue, would you find the guide lineup by genre to be useful? -Mike
  • khintul's avatar
    New Contributor II

    I'm also in Tulsa, and admit that when the new channel numbers were introduced, it was a bit confusing for a while. Since I don't watch that much during the week, the first weekend after the switch I just spent some time getting acquainted with the new layout. 

    I'm not a "channel surfer", but use the heck out of the guide to find what I want to watch and now after getting used to it, I find I really like it. I like that I can go to the genre I want, and don't have to skip over a bunch of things I have no interest in (like sports or music)

    I know that there are duplicates between the legacy channels and the rest, but I still find that useful for finding the channels I have access to on the sets I don't have hooked up to boxes.