Forum Discussion

Cox_Keeps_Marki's avatar
New Contributor
7 years ago

Cox Webmail marks non-SPAM emails as SPAM

Cox Webmail continues to mark emails as SPAM, even when they aren't SPAM, but they let ones that are SPAM through. I have marked them as non-SPAM, but cox continues to send them to the SPAM folder. I do not have any emails blocked, so that isn't the issue. Any suggestions short of finding another provider?

30 Replies

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  • they screwed my email up last july.  i am STILL telling them that this one particular travel site is NOT SPAM! and they don't like me getting mail from feinstein or harris! hummm...and why would anyone think that marine toys for tots is spam?? yet i have had spam supposedly from cox on several occasions in my inbox.  

    early on i tried setting up filters to let ANYTHING with certain words through.  they were putting all my amazon order notifications in christmas!!

    i think they are using us as free labor to build the data base.  i actually had 2 spam emails today both sent twice, and once they went to spam, the duplicates came to my inbox.

    there is no rhyme or reason.

    • vlkinva's avatar
      New Contributor III

      They sent an email from a local funeral home to my spam folder. The email was a reminder of someone's first anniversary of their death date. I couldn't even click the links to see the notice on the site because now all my "spam" emails are encrypted with lines thru links. I can't click on anything. I have settings on No Spam Filtering which "should" send all emails to my inbox but it doesn't. True- no rhyme or reason.

      • socal_transplan's avatar
        Contributor III

        vlkinva, i think they do that because they really think it's spam and the links might be dangerous.  but from your spam folder you can click the email, then click the "thumbs up" button & it automatically send notice to thisisnotspam (allegedly) and after a refresh it will show in your inbox.  i hate that i now have to do that several times a day when i only used to have to check once a week, but it allows you to deal with the email.

    • MarkM1's avatar
      Former Moderator
      Social Transplant Are you seeing the issue using a third party app or webmail? Would you check the spam filters at to see what is setup there? For more information about the settings, please check out the following link for more details. Mark M. Cox Support Forums Moderator
      • socal_transplan's avatar
        Contributor III

        since cox messed up my email, i've had to use webmail to start.  i need to check spam several times daily and i sort thru the stuff i consider spam or annoying and opt out of as much as possible. after i have gathered everything pertinent i download to my 3rd party mail client.  so, webmail.  yes.

        i long ago i deleted everything in my spam settings.  some were keeping me from getting amazon...and I DID NOT PUT THEM THERE!  i do have some blocked senders which i DID set up, but no filters.

        sorry for the delay.  out of town. that's when i HAVE to depend on webmail. 

        i will say the spam filter IS catching more obvious spam now. the stuff from nigeria, the FBI, etc. but i do get spam ads which i think are from the same domain (see colleen...and i have not verified but the opt outs are the same format) and opting out of one, just gets me sent a different one, but i always report it as cox & uce. 

        but just today, it spamed kamala harris again.  and they REALLY don't want me to get mail from hillary!! can a filter be partisan???

        this is an internal cox issue.  not my settings.

  • update.  today, 5 non-spam emails in my spam folder.

    2 phishing emails in my inbox. 

    oh and i could not forward one to the targeted business yesterday...BECAUSE IT MAY CONTAIN SPAM!  and yet, there it was in my inbox.

    like the government, this went to the lowest bidder.  has cox thought about hiring 16-18 year olds to develop it's own email? i'm sure they could do a better job.  go to defcon next year & hire some talent!

    i assume my ticket is still open?

    • BrianM's avatar
      Your ticket is still open at this time.
      • socal_transplan's avatar
        Contributor III

        they started working my ticket today. finally.  i have some info to pass on since we spoke this a.m. just yesterday, as i have told the team, i set up (or tried to) a spam filter as follows:

        conditions: subject contains "home warranty."

        action: file into spam

        i just my ad, subject line "Choice Home Warranty."  why didn't my filter work?

        hopefully you can pass this on for me. we are now traveling and phone tag will not be fun.

  • AzRealtor's avatar
    New Contributor

    I am having a similar problem with my webmail.  I am receiving important emails and a few spams/junk daily.  Cox needs to adjust the spam folder to put any email directed at me only, in my Focused email.  I can then determine and report spam from my Focused folder.  Most of the stuff is truly spam in the Other folder.  But as you said, a few slid through the crack.  I just highlight all in spam and uncheck those that aren't spam.

    I wouldn't necessarily switch providers if you have your TV, Internet and optional discounted land line.  I know it's frustrating, but hopefully Cox will adjust the incoming emails after you report it a certain amount of times.

  • Hello,

    Have you attempted to setup filter rules to keep particular mail? I've seen that when using filters, keeping the subject as little as 3 words can help when using filters.

  • vlkinva's avatar
    New Contributor III

    I've complained about this too.  I have my spam settings set at NO SPAM FILTERING so all email should go to my inbox, correct? Well still personal or important NON SPAM emails go to my spam folder. In the last version of Cox emails I deleted the spam folder completely. ALL emails went to inbox. Evidently we can't do that now. I don't know why they don't get it right!

    • ColleenD's avatar
      Vlkinva, I wouldn't like that either. Let me see if I can help. How do you check your email? Each device typically has its own Spam settings. For example, there are spam management options in webmail, but on my Android device there are also Spam options under Settings. If webmail is still filtering Spam even though you have the setting chosen to send all mail to your inbox you can forward messages which are not spam to for review.
      • vlkinva's avatar
        New Contributor III

        I read my webmail on a desktop computer.  I am not going to continuously send emails for review. I just wish I could completely delete the spam folder because the setting No Spam Filtering isn't working. 

        I made another new post yesterday complaining now all my spam email is encrypted. Lines thru all links- site urls, email addresses, etc. Those emails are useless to me and some are from companies I pay my bills to.  This really is frustrating.

  • Genthar's avatar
    New Contributor III

    Their spam filtering system has been an ongoing problem.  I have regularly marked messages that I receive from companies that I want to receive as "Not Spam" yet, a month later, they're back in my SPAM box on the webmail.  I'm not talking flagging them once or twice, but repeatedly over the years.  As a system administrator for a company, I know how hard it is to find that delicate balance between blocking good messages and allowing bad ones through, and there's many thousands of spam messages for every legitimate message.  There are many algorithms and filters out there but none of them are 100% accurate.

    What they should do is implement a white-listing option where you can flag messages from trusted addresses to get through.  I've always felt it's worse to block a legitimate message than it is to allow a spam message through.  Most people will briefly get annoyed at the occasional spam message, but when you start missing legitimate messages that's a big problem.