Forum Discussion

gamahiro's avatar
New Contributor
6 years ago

qualified modems | gigablast | Trump/Carrey | sodium pentothal

Why is the Arris / Surfboard SB6190 only qualified for Ultimate and not Gigablast? Id like to possibly order and pay for Gigablast so I can finally get the Ultimate's 300 down and  35 or whatever up Ive been paying for this past year, but after we celebrated our 1 year anniversary together with your lovely gift of 'pay us 12.5% more for your loyal business and prompt monthly payments' (thank you again for that much needed surprise) I haven't had any spare cash for a new DOCSIS 3.1 modem that you require I upgrade to (which coincidently I will probably learn is not yet supported in my neck of the woods) could have skipped all of this run-on nonsese and jumped to the next line.

SB6190 specs:


32 channels down / 8 up

ipv4 and ipv6

1.4 Gbps download and 262 Mbps upload capable max

Would this be similar to one of the many poor upsell attempts I endured during my installation or is there a valid reason I'm missing (which at 0500 hours  is possible)? Imagine if Donald made a law that for one day all US ISPs had to tell the truth? And there is the next Jim Carrey sequel (you're welcome Jim)  >:)

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