Forum Discussion

nichollsvi's avatar
New Contributor III
6 years ago

Asked for removal of the $6.99 charge - not done

I asked for removal of the $6.99 insurance charge. I was never told why it was raised from $4.99 or why there isn't an option to do without the "extra" support. I do know that Cox hasn't removed it, per my asking.

In addition, what upgrades in fiber lines, etc. have been made since the least fast service, which I have, was $25-29 at one time and now is more than DOUBLE the price. I certainly don't notice any difference nor have I seen hardware upgrades. I certainly have seen that signal levels fall a lot, causing problems with rebooting, but when I tell Cox it gets fixed for a while, indicating the problem is on their end to fix.

Rather than require me to do my time to troubleshoot, maybe Cox should pay me as they expect to be paid for their time?

1 Reply

  • KevinM2's avatar
    Former Moderator
    Hi Nichollsvi, we can definitely look into your account further, regarding the removal of the protection plan. We would also like to address your concerns with the internet service as well. Can you please forward this post to our It would be greatly appreciated. -Kevin M, Cox Support Forum Moderator